Human capital is the most important resource or asset any nation can boast of in the 21st century because a nation’s human capital is vital for future technological breakthrough, international competitiveness and sustainable economic development. Building the requisite human capital for the attainment of sustainable development requires both a new ideology of life and innovative approach to education if the nation is to overcome the global socio-economic and ecological crisis. This paper emphasizes on the significant roles that of vocational and technical education plays in enhancing employability skills and consequently driving sustainable development of nations This paper posits that vocational and technical education will provide citizens with skills and knowledge with which they can be self reliant and employers’ of labour. The paper concludes that vocational and technical education when engendered leads to employment generation, inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. The paper recommends that educational institutions at all levels must inculcate and intensify the integration of entrepreneurship and vocational education into its curriculum.